Highlights from Trinity’s NSF Annual Report

Some highlights and data points from Mobile CSP’s (Trinity branch) annual NSF report for 2016.

  • Since 2013 the Mobile CSP project, including both the Trinity and College of St. Scholastica (CSS) efforts has trained 247 teachers, who have taught 491 sections of the Mobile CSP course to almost 6000 students.  (This only counts teachers and students who have provided demographic and performance data to us.)

Here’s a year-by-year breakdown of the project’s growth.

Table 1. Project -wide teacher and student enrollments, 4-years.
Year Teachers Sections Students Notes
2013-14 10 21 330 Trinity
2014-15 28 44 648 Trinity
2015-16 39 55 748 Trinity + CSS
20 34 554 Trinity
19 21 242 CSS
2016-17 170 371 4,231 Trinity + CSS + AYOP
84 180 2100 Trinity hybrid cohorts
84 187 2076 CSS online cohorts
2 4 55 AYOP
TOTALS 247 491 5,957
  • Student demographics have steadily improved.  This year, 2016-17 is the first year that more than 50% of students were females or underrepresented minorities. 
Table 2. Project-wide Student Demographics
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Males 77.16% 71.12% 78.05% 71.86%
Females 22.84% 28.88% 21.95% 28.14%
URM 31.69% 34.14% 21.62% 33.34%
URM or F 43.61% 49.67% 38.77% 50.72%
Non-minority Males 56.39% 50.33% 61.23% 49.28%
  • Almost 100% of Mobile CSP teachers report that teaching CS is highly appealing.
Table 6. Teacher Attitudes Toward CS - "Teaching CS is highly appealing to me."
Type N Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree % Agree or Strongly agree
All 214 166 39 1 0 99.51%
Online 111 89 19 1 0 99.08%
Hybrid 87 69 15 0 0 100.00%
  • Teachers coming out of Mobile CSP’s 4-week PD (either hybrid or online formats)  express strong confidence in their ability to teach the course.
Table 7.  Teacher Confidence. “At the end of the professional development, how confident are you that the Mobile CSP course you are about to teach will go well?”
PD Type N Very Generally Not Concerned % Generally or Very Confident
All 214 93 108 4 6 93.93%
Online 111 57 49 2 3 95.50%
Hybrid 87 32 51 1 1 95.40%