Eligibility and RequirementsU.S teachers of all disciplines and backgrounds are welcome. No prior computer science knowledge or computer programming experience is required. Teachers interested in participating in the Mobile CSP Professional Development (PD) must meet the following requirements: Requirements for all Mobile CSP PD Participants
Additional Requirements for Research Participants
Application ProcessNOTE: If you are applying as research participant (with a stipend) the application will require you to provide a principal’s consent via the principal’s approval form. This includes acknowledgement of and agreement to offer the course, to recruit an appropriate number of students of the targeted demographic (females, minority students, and disabled students) as well as collect student research data. *Note: Please consult your administrator or district assessment coordinator to confirm your school’s ability to share student data and participate in the research portion of the project. Copies of questionnaires and consent forms are available upon request to info@mobile-csp.org If applying to the Mobile CSP Research Project, please note that a limited number of spots are available. Priority will be given to schools that serve high numbers of underrepresented students (women and minorities), schools with high levels of free and reduced lunch, and those not currently offering an AP computer science course. Questions? See our FAQ or email us at info@mobile-csp.org and include your name, school name, and location. |
After March 31, applications for the regional PDs will be considered on a rolling basis until June 15
Applications for the online PD are now closed
Immersion Week Deadline is June 15th