- Blocks and Beyond Workshop Preprint. Abstraction as a Predictor of Difficulty in Quizly Problems. (B. Hoffman, I. Ilyankou, R. Morelli, 2017).
- North Shore Hebrew Academy High School 1st Ever Mobile CSP Expo in the NY Metro Area, (North Shore Hebrew Academy High School, May 2017).
- David McKay Students showcase app designs at Trinity College, (WFSB 3 Eyewitness News Hartford, CT, May 23 2017).
- ITiCSE 2017 Preprint A Comparison of Online and Hybrid Professional Development for CS Principles Teachers, (Rosato J., Lucarelli C., Beckworth C., Morelli R. , ITiCSE ’17, July 03-05, 2017, Bologna, Italy DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3059009.3059060).
- Winchester Wicked Local, Students create apps to solve everyday problems, (Melissa Russell, Winchester Wicked Local, March 2017).
- Daily Hampshire Gazette, Computer science comes to life in new class at Granby High School, (Emily Cutts, Daily Hampshire Gazette, March 2017).
- Trinity College, Mobile CSP Project Receives Supplemental Grant to Support 2016-17 PD, (Trinity College, Andrew Concatelli, June 2016).
- Hartford Courant, High School Student Hopes New App Will Make Hartford Safer (Kathleen Megan, Hartford Courant, May 25, 2016).
- Envisioning the Future of Undergraduate STEM Education: Research and Practice, A MOOC-based Professional Development Model for CS Principles (R. Morelli, C. Uche, P. Lake, L. Baldwin, J. Rosato and C. Takkunen Lukarelli) Washington, D.C., April 2016. (slides)
- Blocks and Beyond Workshop Preprint Quizly: A Live-Coding Assessment Platform for App Inventor (F. Maiorana, D. Giordano, R. Morelli, 2016).
- Code.org, Mobile CSP Listed as a 3rd Party Partner of Code.org (Code.org, June 2015)
- College Board, College Board to Endorse the Mobile CSP Curriculum (College Board, June 4, 2015)
- Trinity College, Greater Hartford High School Students Demonstrate that, Indeed, There’s an App for That (No Matter What “That” May Be) (Trinity College, June 2, 2015)
- Mobile CSP Team, Analyzing Year One of a CS Principles Project (SIGCSE Slides)
- Hartford Courant Community , Taking It National at Hartford Magnet Trinity College Academy (Hartford Courant, February 3, 2015)
- Nick Longworth, New Mobile Coding Class at BHS ‘Not Just for Geeks’ (Savage Pacer, February 2, 2015)
- Trinity College produces a 4 minute Mobile Apps for Hartford Video
- Connecticut Education Association, Professional Development Goes Mobile (CEA Advisor, Volume 57, Number 3, December 2014)
- National Science Foundation Discoveries, App-ealing to students through app development (December 10, 2014)
- Duluth News Tribune, CSS grant to go toward computer science program in schools (December 8, 2014)
- David Wolber, Harold Abelson and Mark Friedman, Democratizing Computing with App Inventor (GetMobile, October, 2014)
- SIGCSE 2015 Preprint Analyzing Year One of a CS Principles PD Project (R. Morelli, C. Uche, P. Lake, L. Baldwin. DOI 10.1145/2676723.2677265).
- College of St. Scholastica, TeachIT – Scaling Mobile CSP Professional Development Online (NSF, September 4, 2014).
- Trinity College, Students Develop Mobile Apps for City of Hartford and Local Organizations (Trinity College, August 19, 2014)
- John Atashian, Mobile Apps for Hartford Photo Gallery (Trinity College, August 15, 2014)
- Kerri Provost, Students Create Apps for City of Hartford and Cultural Institutions (Real Hartford, August 18, 2014)
- Amy Parmenter, Students Develop Mobile Apps for City of Hartford (NBC Connecticut News, August 15, 2014)
- Trinity College, Hartford-area High School Students Proudly Display Mobile Apps (May 23, 2014)
- Pete Kasperowicz, House to launch nationwide contest encouraging students to develop mobile ‘apps’ (The Hill, February 20, 2013).
- Vanessa de la Torre, Trinity Professor Receives Federal Grant To Expand Computer Science In High Schools (Hartford, Courant, January 17, 2013).
- Michelle Jacklin, Trinity Receives $902,000 National Science Foundation Grant (Hartford Courant, January 3, 2013).
- Candace Sweat, University of Alabama Professor receives NSF Grant to Expand Computer Science in Alabama Schools (ABC3340, November 30, 2012).
- Trinity College, Random Hacks of Kindness Event Focuses on Sanitation Issues (November 12, 2012).
- Google, Morelli App Inventor Teacher Story (Google, July 12, 2011)