Note: This form should only be completed by teachers who are currently on the Mobile CSP waiting list. To be on the waiting list you should have received a waiting list letter from us on or after March 20th. If you have received an acceptance letter from the Mobile CSP project, your participation is completely funded by the National Science Foundation and you do not need to complete this price quote request.
If you are not currently on our waiting list and wish to be considered, you must either complete your application, if you’ve already started one, or submit a new application. To do so, please review the eligibility requirements and then apply directly to the Mobile CSP project. (Note: eligibility includes teaching at the high school level.) Once your application is complete — i.e., includes both your resume and the signed Memorandum of Understanding from your principal — you will receive a waiting list letter with 48 hours. You may then request the price quote. Teachers: When you complete the form below, we will email you a price quote for your project within 3 business days. Note that only releases funds for projects that complete their fundraising (i.e. raise all the money requested in the price quote). If you have any questions, please contact us at
- April 20th – Mobile CSP application submitted
- April 27th – projects must be submitted on to allow for one month of fundraising
- May 27th – projects must be fully funded at least one month before the PD starts